Real Estate Aggregation Partnership Ukraine

Early access open

We invite you to become a partner of the Agentiz real estate marketplace in Ukraine. Our website,, was designed by us as an efficient working tool for a broad spectrum of real estate market participants to list information about sales and rentals of residential and commercial properties both domestically and internationally. The advertisement posting service is provided free of charge, with partners ensuring the accuracy and relevance of the information they list.

We welcome collaborations with real estate agencies, developers, real estate websites, and all other stakeholders in the Ukrainian real estate market who are keen to enhance their competitive edge and offer their clients the most comprehensive property information.

We are confident that partnering with us will be beneficial and advantageous for your enterprise. Please fill out the form below to commence your collaboration with Agentiz.

If you operate in the real estate sector outside of Ukraine, kindly proceed to our "Bulk Listings Upload" page at

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