Real Estate Aggregation Partnership Poland

Early access open

We invite Polish real estate agencies, agents, developers, and other market participants to cooperate with our website, Agentiz. Our site aggregates real estate data, providing visitors with complete information about the real estate market online. We strive to ensure that our clients have maximum information about real estate, in order to be able to make the right decisions and conclude agreements in the real estate industry. Posting rental and sales ads on our site will attract new customers, increase sales volumes, and attract new tenants.

We are happy to cooperate with advertising agencies and companies that provide services for posting ads on real estate websites.

The main terms of our cooperation are that we provide a free service for posting information, and the partner undertakes to provide only accurate and up-to-date information.

We are confident that partnering with us will be beneficial for your business, and we are ready to discuss the details of cooperation and answer all your questions.

If you are ready to join our network of partners, you can send a link to an XML channel for the initial addition of your ads to the Agentiz website, which is currently actively preparing for launch in Poland.

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